Located in Shockoe Bottom, the Richmond Flood Wall is a concrete barrier that looks over the James River. After crossing a bridge, where 14th St. becomes Hull Street, an entrance to the wall can be found.
Black pavement leads up to stairs where a trail along the flood wall begins. Gravel lines the path on the wall. The trail is long and follows the curves of the wall.
While on top of the wall, the James River is clearly seen. Rapids run down slopes, looking like mini waterfalls. Sounds of ducks can be heard as they float along. Sometimes the bright colors of kayaks can be seen in the distance. The bridge leading to Belle Isle can also be seen.
The tall buildings of Richmond can be seen across the river. The wall separates the busy life of the city and the river where sounds of flowing water and nature are heard. It is like two separate worlds.
Eventually the trail leads off the wall and onto another trail under a bridge. The legs of the bridge connect forming an upside-down U. It is like being under an open tunnel with pillars leading the way.
The trail becomes more surrounded by grass and trees. There is an offbeat path where rappelling walls are located. The trail eventually leads next to a bank onto a sidewalk leading back, ending the nature hike.
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